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New Light Theatre presents Our Town, directed by Megan Bellwoar at OperaDelaware Studios in Wilmington, DE February 28-March 9, 2025

Our Town runs approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes with no intermission.

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An American theatre classic that challenges us to "realize life while we live it," Our Town focuses on both the commonplace and the profound experiences of a village community as they support each other through births and birthdays, addiction and infatuation, the turning of the seasons, and the grief that comes with loss. Thornton Wilder invites us to examine our own relationship to the eternal as we iris in on one young couple in particular - Emily and George - and the joys, anxieties, laughter and letting go of the time they have together.

New Light Theatre is committed to bringing light to the darkness of the world, to raising awareness and support for organizations that illuminate, and to deepening our empathy and connection with one another through meaningful artistic work. In accordance with this mission, Our Town will partner with Delaware Hospice, a nonprofit assisting individuals, families and communities through end of life care and bereavement support to help grieving individuals reinvest in life, including New Hope, a support system for children who have experienced loss. To find out more about Delaware Hospice’s mission, please visit:

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Check out this article written by our Artistic Director, Lena Mucchetti

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New Light Theatre is proud to be an ACCESS Card Partner, an initiative launched by Art-Reach. ACCESS is a public initiative that empowers those individuals and families who come from a low-income household, or those with disabilities, to engage with arts and culture in the Greater Philadelphia region at a rate they can afford.


Email to reserve your ACCESS tickets for Our Town. Visitors must present their ACCESS card along with a photo ID to receive the discount. Click here to learn more about the ACCESS program.

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Thank you to our corporate sponsors, without whom this production would not be possible!

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Interested in becoming a corporate sponsor? Check out our sponsorship packet!

This project is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on


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